Thursday Jan 7
Local Cod
Captain Carl reports just an OK day on the cod grounds today. Things started off very good in the morning with nice quality Cods. This lasted for a couple hours, and then things went quiet. We searched around for just a few here and a few there, and a few more at the end of the day, but with a capacity crowd, the numbers of cod were spread throughout the boat. Some folks had 8 or 9, some folks had just 1 or 2, with most averaging 3 or 4 fat Cods. It was fine fishing, just spread out through the crowd. Montauk local Arden Gardell took the pool with a 22 lb cod he jigged up, and Giovanni Manisculeo from Brooklyn, NY took second with a 18 pounder. We are sailing tomorrow! The office will be open at 2am for ticket sales!