Mon Sept 3
Sun Sept 2
2 whales, 2 different species!
We had perfect conditions, unlimited visibility, 2 feet seas, and clear skies. We headed towards whales that had been seen earlier, but saw none. We headed through the areas where we had been seeing whales all summer and saw none, unfortunately. We started to turn towards Montauk and a Minke whale popped up right in front of us. It surfaced a bunch of times and allowed many people to view it, albeit briefly. We continued back towards Montauk and at 6:30, we saw the high billowing blow of a larger whale. We found a 1.5-2-year old Humpback that we had seen on 8/8/18 (nearly 1 month earlier and about 5 nautical miles SSW), Scylla’s 2016 calf. We spent a while with this whale, but had to leave – we were late enough as is. On our way back to the dock we were able to see a beautiful sunset. Another successful trip.
1 minke whale
1 humpback whale
8 Cory’s shearwaters
2 Scopoli’s shearwaters