Saturday Aug 8- Whale Watching
4 Humpback whales and 2 Minkes.
Within 30 minutes of passing Montauk Lighthouse and within 10 minutes of the crew “on-station” to look in earnest for whales, we saw our first blows. Our 1st Humpback was one we had seen last week as well about 8 nm (nautical miles) to the SSW and only about 4 nm from Montauk Lighthouse. This was the first of our 4 Humpbacks and 2 Minke whales of the day. Our 2nd Humpback was 2 miles away at first and joined the other whale in feeding at depth on bunker. We saw massive bunker pods at the surface, but they were only the upper boundaries of giant 80’ thick plumes of bunker. Our Minke whales joined in briefly. A while later, several miles away, we found our last 2 Humpbacks
4 Humpback whales
2 Minke whales
1 unidentified sea turtle
4 Laughing Gulls
2 ring-billed Gulls
8 Herring Gulls
6 common terns
11 Cory’s Shearwaters
12 Great Shearwaters
Bird counts thanks to David Chernack