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Mon Aug 19 – Whale Watching

Once again, we headed out to the area where we have been seeing whales for several weeks. We found them again! 10-12 humpback whales, including moms and calves. While we are still working on identifying some of the humpbacks, we found several that we’ve seen since early July. On this trip, the calves and moms were often breaching, flipper slapping, chin slapping. All of those behaviors serve many purposes, but predominately, are used to send non-vocal communication. Another great trip on the ocean, with about 1 minute of light rain.  We now have approximately 117 identified humpback whales off Montauk this summer.  Our best season ever, and the best anyone can remember since 1987. Join us!  All pertinent laws and guidelines were followed. Photos were taken from a distance using a telephoto lens. Some photos have been cropped

Photos will be available soon at