Sun Oct 20 – Night Squid Jigging
Captain Carl reports an EXCELLENT night of Squid Fishing on the Viking Starlite! As soon as we anchored up we started picking away at the squid, and as the night progressed, it just got better and better! Lots of big giant squid. They are here NOW so come and get them! We sail every night except for Monday and Thursday. Ultra Limited to 1/2 capacity. 7pm-1am. Enjoy the pictures of tonight’s catch!
Sun Oct 20 – Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a pretty alright day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. We pretty much spent are day fishing up close to the island, making drift after drift. Conditions were beautiful today and we saw a lot of action with some really nice sized Porgies and a few nice sized SeaBass. We did have to pick through a lot of throwback SeaBass and Mackerell, but the Mackerell seem to be lessening. We only saw a couple Striped Bass on the boat today. The first prize pool winner went to Fernando Flores from Brooklyn, NY with a 3 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Abel Najera from Fairview, NJ with an 8 lb Striped Bass. We are definitely sailing again tomorrow at 5am for our Block Island Jumbo Porgies and SeaBass.
Sun Oct 20 – 1/2 Day Jigging AM
Captain Carl reports another EXCELLENT 1/2 Day Jigging Trip on the Viking Star! We had Rod Bending Action with Striped Bass all morning! We had an easy boat limit of slot sized Stripers, and we threw back a ton as well making for some arm-weary anglers! Stephen Talmage from East Hampton, NY took the pool…
Sat Oct 19 – Night Squid Jigging
Capt Joe reports a decent night of squid jigging on the Viking Starlite. The night started off pretty strong in shallow water and then the tide started to slack off and we lost the bite. We ended up making a move out into the deeper water and found a slow, but steady pick to finish…
Sat Oct 19- Block Island Mixed Bag Bonanza- ULTRA LIMITED PASSENGER Trip
Capt Steven Sr. reports a productive day of fishing today on the Viking Star. We ventured off to Block Island to target anything that would bite! We worked around some of Captain Steven’s secrets spots which brought one some nice action between Porgies, SeaBass, and even some nice Trigger fish in the mix. There were…
Sat Oct 19 – Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a pretty good day of fishing on the Viking Starship. The tide finally seemed to backdown a bit follow the Hunter’s Full Moon tide we’ve had the past couple days so we were able to get into some of our usual spots up close to the island and fish in that shallow water that we like. We got onto a nice steady pick of mixed sized Porgies and SeaBass. When the tide started to slack off we made a move offshore and got onto a bit bigger sized SeaBass, only a a handful of nice ones out there, but definitely in the large range. When the tide started to come back on we finished off out day back close to the island with our same steady medium to large sized Porgies and SeaBass. We are definitely sailing…
Sat Oct 19 – Block Island SeaBass/Blackfish/Cod – Viking Fivestar
Report from Captain Steven Jr. to follow.
Sat Oct 19 – 1/2 Day Jigging
Captain Carl reports an absolute BAIL JOB on our morning 1/2 Day Jigging trip! There were acres and acres of Striped Bass off Montauk this morning and we easily limited out on Slot Size Striped Bass! We also released tons of oversized fish as well! Great fun was had by all! The first prize pool…
Fri Oct 18 – Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a tough day of fishing on the Viking Starship today. This mornings swell with the full moon tide made more difficult fishing conditions for our first few hours. The fish were definitely there and biting, but it was hard to get on them. Once the tide eased down midway through the trip we got a good shot in of mixed sized Porgies and SeaBass. Nothing too large or jumbo in either category, but we managed to get a nice fill to everyone’s coolers. The first prize pool winner today went to Cesar Guzman from Philadelphia, PA with a 2. 7 lb Porgy. We will be sailing again tomorrow for our Block Island Porgies and SeaBass at 5am on the Viking Starship, our check-in office will be open at 4am.
Thurs Oct 17 – Full Moon Striped Bass
Captain Carl reports a RED HOT night aboard the Viking Starship on our Hunters Moon Bass Bonanza! We didn’t have to do much hunting. There are literally miles and miles of Striped Bass in Montauk right now! The Fall Run is in FULL SWING! We had an easy limit of slot sized Bass, and released…
Thurs Oct 17 – Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a decent day of fishing on the Viking STARSHIP. With the strong tides roaring from the Hunter’s Full Moon, we started our morning offshore in the deeper water and got onto a decent pile of SeaBass. Unfortunately, we didn’t see much Porgy action out here, but we pick away at some nice SeaBass till the tide eased up a bit and we got to head back into the shallows. Once we get settled back closer to the island we got into some mixed sized Porgies, mostly medium, nothing to large, but a couple decent fish in there. Overall, it was a decent day, but the tide kept us out of the areas we really wanted to be in. The first prize pool winner went to Juan Marroquin from Freeport, NY with a 2.1 lb Porgy. The edible…
Viking Fleet Weekend Update!
The FALL RUN is ON in Montauk for a number of different species of Montauk Fish! With many species to target, we have MANY different trip options available! See below! Full Day Block Island Jumbo Porgies and Knothead Black Sea Bass! Sailing DAILY on the 144Ft Viking Starship at 5AM and returning at…