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Viking Fleet Fishing Reports


Friday September 27

Night Striped Bass Capt Ant reports another Disappointing night bite. We picked a few but nothing satisfactory for a full boat. We went all the way east to all the way west down the beach, marked everywhere but could not get them going. perhaps the wind against tide & slow drift or perhaps they are chewing ferociously in the day. The latter is happening as this report is being written @ 8am insane jig bite according to reliable sources we’ll let you know at 3 for sure.The pool winner was Tom Andretta from Yucaipar, CA with a 26lbs second place Dennis Romaniello from Calverton, Ny Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass Captain Dave reports an okay day of fishing aboard the Viking Starship today. It was a slow but steady pick of some really nice sea bass and mixed sized…

Thursday September 26

Night Striped Bass Capt Ant reports a slow night of bassing. We marked everywhere we went, only 1 bass on the ebb, then we had to sit through the slack and the start  of the flood we found beautiful blues biting baits. We picked away and in the blues we picked a few more bass. Once the tide started cranking, all stopped not a touch. Pool winner Mr Rodger Nelson from Baldwin, NY with a 27lbs Second place Mr Stan Skiba from Sparta, NJ with a 24lber Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass Captain Dave reports a better day of fishing than yesterday. It was a steady pick of mixed size porgies and some really nice sea bass. We also had one keeper striped bass and a couple blues in the mix. Today’s first place pool winner was Robert Blakes…

Tuesday September 24

Full Day Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass Captain Dave reports a slower day of fishing over at Block than we have seen lately. The Porgies were slower to come over the rails but on a positive note we caught a bunch of quality jumbo Sea Bass. Sandy Amanuel of Manhattan won the Porgy pool with a 4lb Porgy. The edible pool winner today was Alvin Joseph who caught himself a nice 12lb Bluefish. 2 Day Tuna Capt Carl reports a decent tuna bite during the day, but a slow night. The first day we picked up a couple albacore trolling around, as well as some mahi mahi. The night bite never turned into much, with just some mystery bites and some blue sharks. We picked up a couple more albacore on the second day both trolling and jigging. Greg Jenkins took the tuna…

Monday September 23

Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass Captain Dave reports an okay day of fishing today. We caught fish all day, but it was a mix of small and large porgies and sea bass. We also have a couple trigger fish and 1 bluefish. All in all it was an alright trip and everyone left happy with full coolers. Today’s first place pool winner was Donald Moy of Manhattan with a BIG 3.5lb porgy, and in second was David Lu with an 8lb bluefish.

Sunday September 22

3 Day Full Moon Tuna and Sword Ultra LTD Capt. Carl reports a pretty tough trip for our 3 Day Tuna/Sword trip. We started off trolling on Day 1 with whales, dolphins, and bait all around the boat but we only stopped for a couple of mahi mahi. Finally, late in the afternoon, we ran into some albacore and got 4 out of five on one pass. We made a couple more passed in the area but that’s all we got, so we anchored up and almost immediately landed a nice yellowfin on the chunk. For the rest of the night, however, we did not land anymore tunas. We did land and release 2 small swordfish, and had a couple other bites but nothing else boated. We started trolling again early the next morning and hooked up with some more…

Friday September 20

Night Striped Bass Capt. Ant reports another excellent night of Bassing with 53  Stripers caught as well as a mess of Beautiful Blues.  It wasn’t the mayhem of Thursday’s trip, just consistent action every drift until the tide died out on us.  We also had to deal with the weekend Googans doing 20 knots through the biomass and about 75 boats fishing the same zone so obviously it scattered the linesiders.  All in all, we still put the meat in the box!! Returnees from Thursday, George Jehn and Chris Luke one again had their limit.  Chris’ better half Michelle made her first trip and landed her first Starship keeper, then told Chris he needed to buy her a rod of her own…ah what could be more romantic:):)….Doug Seay, who has had at least one bass his last 5 trips didn’t…

Thursday September 19

Full Moon Night Striped Bass Capt Ant has just one thing to say, GET IT WHILE THE GETTIN IS GREAT!!! 41 fares, 77 Striped beauties. It was an unbelievable night. The moon lit up the sky, the moo cow linesiders lit up the bottom machine and at the end if the night the anglers lit up victory cigars!  Every drift produced 5-10 bass with only a few blues in the mix. It wasn’t easy, you really had to let them eat and that’s tough in a 4 knot tide, but those who got it down were rewarded. George Jehn, author of Flying to close to the Sun, available on amazon, was high hook with 7. Chris Luke a close second with 6, Danny Wes with 5. Frank the Greaser Stoutenberg nailed 3 in the last hour alone. All retaining their…

Tuesday September 17

Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass Captain Dave reports an okay day of fishing today. It was alright midway, but once we got to Block they started coming over the rails. We had a bit of smaller sized porgies today, but a lot of them! Also found a lot of big sea bass today. We also had some blackfish, which were all released unharmed, and some blues in the mix. Today’s pool winner was Kar Yip of Queens with a 3lb porgy.

Monday September 16

Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass Captain Dave reports a pretty good day of fishing today aboard the Viking Starship. It was a pretty good day for porgies, and an okay day for the sea bass. Although we got the sea bass some up to about 4lbs, the majority were a bit on the smaller side. We also had some bluefish in the mix. Today’s pool winner was Stanley Tinter from Marco Island FL with a 3.5lb porgy.

Sunday September 15

Half Day Jigging PM Captain Ant reports a much slower afternoon trip. We had a few blues sea bass scup and an 8lb fluke on the jig but no bass this trip. Today’s first place pool winner was Shane Weeks from Southampton with a 14lb bluefish, and in second was Bruce Hin of Miller Place with a 8.7lb fluke. Half Day Jigging AM Captain Ant reports an overall okay morning trip. We had blues immediately, some sea bass and porgies as well, then it picked up during the last hour of the trip and we nailed a few bass to 26lbs. The pool winner Mr Pete Lovell from Bayville, NY with a 26lbs. Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass Captain Dave reports another good day of fishing today. We had mostly porgies in the morning then we made a couple moves…