Tuesday July 21
1/2 Day-AM
Captain Dave G reports a great morning of fishing with a mixed bag of nice keeper fluke, sea bass and porgies. There was a lot of action all around the boat. The pool winner was Artie Weissbach of South Seatauket, NY with a 5.2lb porgy.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a good day of fishing on the Viking Starship! We had some really nice big porgies today with a mix of sea bass, about a dozen keeper fluke and 1 keeper striped bass. Today’s first place pool winner was Tony Trgo with a 3lb porgy and in second place was Kamal Abdelouahael with a 4lb sea bass.
1/2 Day-PM
Captain Dave G reports great fishing this afternoon aboard the Viking Starship. There were a lot of keeper fluke, sea bass and porgies caught. The pool winner was Jim McKenna from Bohemia, NY with a 5.8lb fluke. Our own Kobi walked away with 3 keepers and Freddy “Motor” Shea was the big winner with a 9lb fluke!