Sunday Dec 27
Christmas Cod Special
Captain Carl reports another good day on the cod grounds. The weather wasn’t as nice as yesterday, making fishing a little tougher, but everyone who stayed at the rail put a good catch of COD together. Father and son team Sean and Brendan Farrell teamed up for 26 keepers and just as many shorts, ORL, and Johnny “pizza” had 14 for himself ORL. Vikings own Alex B had a day off so of course he came fishing and jigged 13 keeper Cod. Tayfun Yazies from the Brooklyn took the pool with a 17 pound Golden Cod! All in all it was another good day!.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports another slow day aboard the Viking Starship. We had a handful of porgies and sea bass, with more codfish coming over the rails today. The first place pool winner was In Sun Chang of Brooklyn with a 3.3lb porgy and in second place was Reyy of Brentwood with a 15lb cod. We will be sailing again tomorrow, Mon Dec 28th at 5am. The office will be open at 4am for ticket sales.