Wed July 27
1/2 Day Fluke AM
Captain Sarah reports we had a great morning of fishing with lots of action til the tide dropped out at the end of the trip. We had a lot of keeper fluke as well as plenty of beautiful sea bass. We also caught some monster sized porgies today. Today’s pool winner was 4 year old Liam Nagle of Mahopac with a nice 5lb fluke.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies & Seabass
Captain Dave reports excellent fishing today on the Viking Star. We had perfect conditions and plenty of BIG fish today and pretty much everybody had their seabass limit. The pool winner was Chris Poyiatzis from Astoria, NY with a 4 1/4″ porgy.
1/2 Day Fluke PM
Captain Sarah reports that we had a boat full of families and first time fishers. Loads of excitement filled the boat as fish after fish was caught. We ended up with plenty of fluke, sea bass and jumbo porgies. Great afternoon trip! The pool winner was 11 year old Joey Andrews from Glendale, CA with a 5lb fluke.
Montauk LongRange LTD Passenger Behemoth Night Striped Bass
Capt Carl reports a good night of striped bass fishing on the Viking Starship. It started off slow, with wind against tide for the first couple of hours and though we did have some bites and break offs, we only landed 2. Finally, the flood tide started and it was game on! Drift after drift saw more and more quality linesiders gaffed and over the rails! We ended up just a few shy of our boat limit. Gary Jenson took the pool with a beauty 47.8 pounder!