Mon June 11
Capt. Steven Jr reports a great trip on the Offshore Abyss trip last week! Day one in the deep they had a steady pick of Golden Tiles, Hake, Cusk, and Pollack, as well as a few Quality sized Barrelfish and Wreckfish! Day two was spent on George’s Bank and it was a slow morning searching for Cod but we did see EXCELLENT Haddock fishing by day’s end! Day three we fished Nantucket Shoals Fluke grounds and had good steady fishing throughout the day, just not quite as good as the last trips. Still we had a good amount of keepers and a few quality sized Fluke. All in all it was another successful and fun filled fishing trip and Captain Steven Jr, Captain Stephen D, Mates Steve Ho and Derek, as well as Galley chef Mavros, want to thank everyone for joining us again! The Tilefish pool was won by none other than the man himself, John Szymanski from “fishtown” Philadelphia, PA with a 24.1 lb Golden Tilefish. Mike Lynch from Chatham, NJ took the Cod pool with a 10 lb Cod. Fred Paholek from Waretown, NJ took the Fluke pool with a 7.3 pounder. The edible pool was a TIE with twin Barrelfish at 23 lbs, shared by anglers John Gogliardo of Elizabeth, NJ and Ronald Curl from Winston Salem, NC. Congrats everyone, and we look forward to seeing you all next year!