Tue July 31
Sunday, July 29, 2018
4 Cetacean Species Day!
Well we found them again. Finback whales, minke whales, humpback whales, and short-beaked common dolphins. The whales weren’t particularly “cooperative,” spending long times down feeding near the sea floor, but they are there to feed. We found 5 finback whales including 2 mom/calf pairs, 5 humpbacks, 2 minkes whales, and about 150 dolphins. The dolphin rode our bow wake and rode the bow wakes of some of the fin whales. Birders on board were happy to find loads of pelagic birds too.
5 finback whale
5 humpback whales
2 minke whales
150 short-beaked common dolphins
125 Cory’s shearwaters
55 Great shearwaters
20 Sooty shearwaters
4 Manx shearwaters
7 Parasitic jaegers
1 immature Northern gannet
1 immature Northern gannet