Sat June 22 – John Szymanski Offshore Trip
Offshore John Szymanski group
Capt. Steven reports an awesome trip that went just as planned. We fished in deep water the first two days caught plenty of Tile fish, Hake, and Barrel’s, and some Pollack. We had full coolers by the end of each day. On day three we had Fluke mania we fished areas we have not fished before and this fishing was good good good. With two fish over 12lbs, 6 over 10lbs, and lots of fish from 24-29 inches we made our boat limit of 22″ and over only. It was very good. On the last day we stopped on Coxes Ledge for cod- but the Doggies were biting good and the cod had no chance. Everyone was shot and asked to go home early. They had plenty of fish already so we went home. It was and excellent trip. Big thank you to John and friends for making it another supper trip. Looking forward to next years adventures.