Tue Sept 10 – Montauk Jumbo Porgies & Knothead SeaBass
Capt Dave reports a good day on the Viking Starship. We started off to the east at our SeaBass spot and it was much better than yesterday. We found it pretty decent in the deep water with a good mix of Porgies and SeaBass. You had to pick through the small SeaBass, but everyone managed a few there. We then went off and tried closer to Block Island where it was Red Hot! We had Big Porgies and mixed size SeaBass. The pool winner was Jeff Greenbaum from Yonkers with a 2.7 lb Scup. The daily Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgy & Knothead SeaBass will begin on Saturday September 14th. The trip departs at 5am and returns at 3pm and the fare is $110.