Wed Sept 16- Viking Fleet/ Cresli Whale Watch Report from Sept. 13 2020
Sunday September 13, 2020
Humpbacks, dolphins, and shearwaters! Oh my!
Our last 2020 trip continued our perfect season (100% success). Once again, our first humpback was a very small and elusive one, surfacing for a single blow and submerging for 9-11 minutes. We saw it fluke, but were never able to get photos of this whale. We headed on our way and encountered about 100 inshore bottlenose dolphins. Heading further east, we found our next whale, a juvenile humpback we’d seen back on 7/25/2020. We met up with another group of about 45 inshore bottlenose dolphins before coming across another humpback, one we’d originally seen on 7/31/2019, and again on 9/2/2020. The prey items in the water column were often very dense and either extended throughout the water, or hung to the bottom. We saw more shearwaters than we’d seen in a while, often circling above the surfacing whales.
- 3 humpbacks
- 145 NW Atlantic Norther Migratory (AKA inshore) Common bottlenose dolphins
- 12 Cory’s Shearwaters
- 3 Great Shearwaters
- 1 Sooty Shearwater