Mon Sept 6 to Thurs Sept 9 – 3 Day TNT LTD – Viking Star
Capt JR reports a decent start to the Offshore Season on the Viking Star. Day one of Tile fishing started out very good with Tiles, Pollock, Hake, and a few Barrels coming up right from the get go. Unfortunately, conditions deteriorated quite significantly and we lost our drift all together. The first night the Tuna were elusive but we did boat two Swordfish to 112 lbs. On Day two we encountered some real picky Tile bites, but did have a few Barrels come up right away. After struggling to entice the Tiles to bite we set out the trolling gear and landed some Yellow Fins right away. We hooked and landed a few more on our transit to our second night’s fishing grounds. That night we hooked several large Big Eyes but were unable to land them. We got spooled a total of 3 times. Once after an hour long fight.
Pool Winners to follow.