Wed July 20 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead SeaBass
Capt Dave reports very good fishing today on the Viking Starship. This mornings Porgy bite was hot, started off around the Lighthouse and made two drifts and easily had our limit in no time. after filling up in Porgies we made made our way east in search of the SeaBass. The SeaBass bite today was a little off, as we picked through many small SeaBass, but everyone managed to get a couple keeper SeaBass. Overall, a good day of fishing. The first place pool winner went to Benny from Queens with a 3 lb Porgy. We will not be sailing tomorrow (Thursday July 20th) for the 5AM Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead SeaBass.