Sun July 31 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead SeaBass
Capt Dave reports a great day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. Porgy fishing today was super, we had a nice mix of Porgies ranging in size from mediums, larges and jumbos. We saw a mix of SeaBass around the Lighthouse too, but set out later to the east to our usual SeaBass grounds where we brought in some larger sized Bass. There were a few keeper Fluke on the boat as well. The first place pool winner went to Jose from Jersey with a 2.6 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Phill from Queens with a 3.9 lb SeaBass. We will not be sailing tomorrow for the 5am- Montauk Porgies & SeaBass trip (Monday August 1st.)