Sat May 6 – Sag Harbor Scup Express
Capt. Dave reports excellent fishing today on the Viking Starlite. We had great weather, and the fish bit well until about 10 o’clock before the tide started to run hard. Regardless of the slow pick, we still caught a lot of fish. There was a sizeable jumbo mix, lots of blue fish, and a striped bass. Trevor Whyte from Manhattan, NY, took the pool with a 3.2 lb porgy, and Emily Samuel from Amagansett, NY, won our edible fish pool with an 8 lb striped bass. We will be heading out again tomorrow at 6am, so come on out or book yourself online at There is plenty of space.
Sag Harbor Village Marina (the end of Long Wharf)
For GPS directions, type in 1 Long Wharf, Sag Harbor, NY 11963.