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Wed July 19 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports an excellent day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. We had great action all around the boat from the start of the day till the end of the day. We had a pick of all sizes today between SeaBass and Porgies. We had about a 2 1/2 hour point in which we set anchor and loaded up on our Porgies, and saw an increase in size as time carried on, with little to no throwbacks by the end of the drop. We then worked our way offshore to look for some large SeaBass, but had to pick our way through a lot of little fish. Overall it was a good day of fishing, with a few Blue fish and a 2 large Fluke. There was a tie for first place on the pool winner today with Efren Bautista and Abraham Issa both weighing in 2.7 lb Porgies. The edible pool winner went to Frederick Nichols from Nassau County with a 3 1/2 lb SeaBass. We are sailing tomorrow (Thursday, July 20th) on our 5am Montauk Lighthouse Porgies & SeaBass. a person holding a fish in the water a person holding a fish in the water a man and a woman standing on a boat a person holding a fish Lorenzo Neal holding a fish in the water