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Back to Viking Fleet Fishing Reports

Mon June 10- 4 Day Offshore Jigaholic

Capt Steven Sr. reports an outstanding 4 Day Offshore Jigging trip. What we call our “Jigaholics” trip he called “Tileholics” with an impressive showing of beautiful large Golden Tile Fish. We saw the largest Tile fish coming up on the jigs on this trip, but we were lock and load from start to finish, with fishing half-days everyday. Dwayne Sherard took home the pool winning Tile fish with a 42.6 pounder. Nathenial Johnson took home the second prize Tile pool with a 37.5 lb fish and won the pool for the largest edible with an 18.4 lb Hake.
We want to give special thanks to Dwayne and Rob for putting together such an excellent group of guys and bringing this trip together!! Pictures didn’t do this trip justice, but we will be uploading some more following this report!!


a man holding a fish a person holding a fish on a boat a person holding a fish a person holding a fish in the water a person holding a fish in the water a person holding a fish a man holding a fish in the water a man holding a fish a person holding a fish in the water a person holding a fish on a boat in the water a person flying through the air while holding a bird a person holding a fish on a boat a person holding a fish in the water a group of people in the water a person holding a fish in the water a person standing next to a body of water a person holding a fish a person holding a fish in the water a small boat in a body of water