Sun Sept 8 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports another pretty good day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. We started our morning off around the lighthouse and had a pretty tough go of it, with not much of a bite. We decide to do some searching and ended up to the east of the lighthouse and got onto a nice pile of fish. We saw mixed sizes of Porgies and some very nice sized SeaBass. When the tide started running hard we made a move farther offshore and had steady fishing of medium and large sized Porgies and keeper SeaBass. We also boated some bonitas, blue fish, and a some mackerell. The pool winner today went to Freddy R. from Elizabeth, NJ with a 2.8 lb Porgy. We will be sailing again tomorrow at 5am, call or book online to secure your spot on tomorrows boat.