Fri Sept 13 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a good trip on the Viking Starship. We started at the lighthouse and drifted for Porgies & Sea Bass, once conditions turned we made a move. There were mixed size Porgies and the action was better. To finish the day we moved closer to Block Island and we put in a few…
Wed Sept 11- Whale Watching- Starship
Another trifecta trip (humpback whales, minke whales, and Tamanend’s bottlenose dolphins! On this somber day, in the back of our minds were the friends, schoolmates, neighbors, first responders, and the endless work of volunteers clearing those hallowed grounds at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville PA. On this day, as a way of thinking about the inter-relatedness of all life on this planet, we went out to look for whales and dolphins. We found them, as we have done now on 110 consecutive trips since July 14, 2020. A beautiful, flat calm trip with unlimited visibility made the long trip sell worth it. We found humpback whales that breached (briefly), chin-slapped, lob-tailed, flipper slapped, and logged (slept). We had triads and tetrads of humpback whales come over to watch us watching them. For the most part, the…
Tue Sept 10 to Thurs Sept 12 – 60 Hour Tuna/Mahi LTD
Captain JR reports a tougher trip onboard the Viking Star. We put some serious miles under the keel as we cased some water way down to the south end of our string…. However, we only found a few yellow fin, we loaded up on Mahi during our journey down there. We bailed out of the…
Thurs Sept 12 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a good day on the Viking Starship. We started out anchored east of the point and found large Porgies with Sea Bass mixed in. Once the tide ran hard we headed further east and had very good fishing, but smaller Porgies. Anglers were pulling in double and triple headers. We got a bit closer to Block Island and found a mixed bag of Sea Bass in all sizes, mostly nice size Porgies and a ton of Mackerel. The pool winner was Ian Ralph from the Bronx with a 2 lb Porgy.
Wed Sept 11 – Block Island Fluke & Sea Bass
Capt Steven Sr reports a decent day on the Viking Starlite. The Block Island Fluke are still elusive, but we did manage some keepers and a bunch of shorts. Sea Bass were abundant in all sizes. We will be sailing on Sunday for this trip. Look for additional trips to be added to the schedule…
Wed Sept 11 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports an excellent trip on the Viking Starship. We started out east of the lighthouse and had our best fishing of the day first thing. There were mostly large Porgies with keeper Sea Bass in the mix. When the tide started running hard we moved under the lighthouse and had great action with mixed size Porgies. There were about 1/2 dozen keeper Fluke there also. We ran offshore looking for some more Sea Bass. There were a bunch of small ones to pick through along with nice size Porgies. The pool winner was Lloyd Stewart from Brooklyn, NY with a 2 1/2 lb Porgy.
Tue Sept 10 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports the best fishing we have seen in awhile on the Viking Starship! It was a great day with size and action. There was a really good pick of all LARGE Porgies with mixed size Sea Bass to start. We fished one area all day getting in a few drifts, when the tide…
Mon Sept 9 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports another pretty decent day of fishing today. We started off today just east of the lighthouse, kind of in the area we left off yesterday, we had some pretty good action here with mixed sizes of Porgies, a handful of keeper SeaBass, 3-4 keeper Fluke, and some little Blue fish. We eventually…
Sun Sept 8- Whale Watching- Starship
It was a beautiful, crisp day to search for whales and dolphins. Although we originally planned to head offshore, our plans were interrupted by a blow belonging to a juvenile humpback whale not far from shore beyond the lighthouse. While waiting for this individual to surface, two additional blows were spotted, and we were suddenly treated to a close approach by the first whale immediately ahead of our bow allowing great views by everyone near the front of the vessel. While we then planned to investigate the additional two whales (also humpbacks), a large splash drew us to a fourth humpback which was breaching and flipper slapping nearby. We spent time with this whale before seeing even more splashing from a fifth individual approximately a mile away. We headed towards the activity watching this single whale breach 19 consecutive times…
Sun Sept 8 – 1/2 Day Fishing PM
Sun Sept 8 – 1/2 Day Fishing PM Capt Carl reports a slower afternoon on our 1/2 day trip. The water got dirty, the wind came up, and the bite was tough. We still managed some Fluke, Sea Bass, and Porgies to keep for our anglers, but it was slower then the morning. There was no pool on the boat this afternoon.
Sun Sept 8 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports another pretty good day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. We started our morning off around the lighthouse and had a pretty tough go of it, with not much of a bite. We decide to do some searching and ended up to the east of the lighthouse and got onto a…
Sun Sept 8 – 1/2 Day Fishing AM
Captain Carl reports a great morning of fishing on the Viking Star! KEEPER Fluke, Big Sea Bass, and jumbo Porgies all made it into our anglers buckets, and there was action the whole trip. The first prize pool winner went to Alyssa Goldberg from Mamarneck, NY with a 4 lb Fluke. The second prize pool…