Friday May 23
Half Day Fluke Pm
Captain Ant reports Awesome Pm fluking with tons of action and plenty of keepers all around the boat. Angelo D had 6 keepers all to 3.5lbs the Albany Lacrosse boys went home with a 15lbs of fillet. Pool winner Steve Hanford City Island, NY with a 4.75lber.
New Bedford Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a slow start but as the day went on it got better and better we had a mix of a Medium and Jumbo porgies also we saw a lot more sea bass today. The pool winner and the edible pool winner was Mr Ronald Kishun from Queens, NY with a 3.4 lb porgy and a 4.5 lb sea bass
Half Day AM Fluke
Captain Ant reports an Awesome Awesome day on the Bullard Charter