Happy Veterans Day! Tuesday Nov 11
NoMans Blackfish and Sea Bass Special
Captain Carl reports another all out blackfish slam on the Viking Star! Our first drop at NoMans was just incredible. Lots of quality tog to 10lbs and it didn’t take long to fill limits all around the boat. We made a few more drops and found some more bigger togs and a few sea bass. All in all, it was just epic and we had a full boat limit of quality fish. Pool winner was over 10lbs! we are going again this Saturday Nov 15th at 3am. We have limited space so make reservations today! 631-668-5700
Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass
Viking Starship
Captain Dave reports a very good day of fishing today on the porgy grounds. We had mostly porgies today along with nice sea bass up to 5lbs. Almost everyone had their limit or close to it on the sea bass. We also had a couple blues and s few cod in the mix. Today’s first place pool winner was Fidel Corea of the Bronx with a 5.2lb porgy and in second place was Anthony Picinich of NJ with a 9lb blue.
Viking SuperStar
Captain Anthony D reports an excellent day of fishing aboard the Viking SuperStar. All our anglers had non stop action from the first drop til the horn blew. Nice big scup and big sea bass. We also had about a dozen keeper cod to 10lbs and some bluefish mixed in. Everyone had their fill and it was a great day on the water. Today’s first place pool winner was Pavel Yogudaiev of the BRonx with a 4lb porgy and in second place was “Sally” of Brooklyn with a nice 14lb cod.