Sun November 16
Block Island Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a good day on the porgy grounds we had porgies sea bass and about 15 keeper cod and some blue fish in the mix. The dogs gave us a little problem today but we had a good day.The pool winner Mr Ken Yu from Staten Island, NY with a 3lb porgy Second Place went to Mr Azim Khan from Brooklyn, NY with a 11lb Cod.
NoMan’s Trip
Captain Steven Sr. Reports it was a typical old school Blackfish Heaven trip on the Viking Star. Conditions were tough with wind against tide, but the white chins were aggressively attacking the crabs and it turned out to be another banner day with some bulldogs coming over the rail. We definitely saw more shorties which made for consistent action all day, but average keeper size was about 5lbs. As usual Chris Whiteskins led the charge basically bailing all day retaining his limit to 8lbs. Jose Ruiz, new to the tautog fishery, had the bite down yesterday also landing fish to 8lbs. Mr. Oh crushed it, as did the law firm of Lambert, Theo, and Perry who convicted their limit of white chins to the electric chair. Viking Bass Assassins Stoutenberg, Luke and Finnegan switched species and continued their assault on the ocean all limiting out with beasts to 9lbs. Steve Trifari took the Sea Bass pool as he and Paul also crushed the blackfish. But congrats and high honors go to Lou Jianjun with a double-digit 10.7lb brute.
Capt Steven, Capt Carl and Capt Ant would like to thank all for a great old school day in Buzzards Bay. Our next limited trip will be Saturday, but stay tuned as we will be keeping our eye on the weather window and could be adding days when Mother Nature cooperates.