Thurs Aug 20th
Half Day Fluke PM
Today’s first place pool winner was Dave Foxen of Garden City with a 4.6lb fluke and in second place was 7 year old TJ Stazzone of Kings Park with a 2.9lb sea bass. A full report will follow.
Full Day Jumbo Fluke and Sea Bass
Today’s pool winner was Scott Bento with a 6.5lb fluke and in second place was Steve Ferro with a 4lb sea bass. A full report will follow.
Montauk Summer Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports that porgy fishing started of a bit slow this morning but the quality of the fish were good. After we finished catching up the porgies, we then went on to fish for the sea bass and found them. The first place pool winner was Joe Ng from Brooklyn, NY with a 3lbs porgy. The second place pool winner was Jordan Edrick from Freeport, NY with a 4lb Sea Bass.
Half Day Fluke AM
Captain Dave G reports a good morning of fishing aboard the Viking Star. After a slow start to the trip at slack tide, but once the tide started to run, the fish started to bite. We had mostly fluke and sea bass. Today’s first place pool winner was 11 year old Lily Koerner of Rowayton, CT with a nice 5.5lb fluke and in second place was Nick Pellegrino of Commack with a 3.2lb sea bass.