Sunday Aug 23
Half Day Fluke PM
Captain Stephen D reports We had a very good afternoon lots of fluke. Plenty action the whole trip we even caught some nice keeper sea bass in the mix. The pool winner was Mr Stu Haimes from Plainview, NY with a 4.5lbs.
Montauk Summer Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a good day of fishing on the Viking Star we had porgies sea bass fluke and some keeper blues in the mix. The Pool winner Juan Rivera from New Jersey with a 3.5lbs Edible pool winner Mr Maurice Wauchope, from Hempstead, NY with a 4lbs.
Magic Hour
Captain Stephen D reports an excellent night on the Viking Starship. It started off slow with jigs, then they changed over to eels and had instant action. They caught a bunch of striped bass big and small with blues in the mix. A good time was had by all! The first place pool winner was Stuart Haimes from Plainview, NY with a 36lb striped bass.