Sun Sept 6
Half Day Fluke AM
Captain Stephen Francis reports a very very good morning aboard the Viking Stariper. There weren’t too much fluke around but there were loads of porgies and sea bass. Today’s pool winner was 14 year old Ricky D’Elia of Port Jefferson with a 5.5lb fluke.
Half Day Fluke PM
Captain Stephen Francis reports another great afternoon of bottom fishing today. We had some fluke, some sea bass and porgies. Today’s pool winner was Jim McGuire of Massapequa with a 3lb fluke.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports an excellent day of fishing this morning aboard the Viking Star. We had lots of porgies, some fluke, some trigger fish and some sea bass. Today’s first place winner was Dimas Sorto of Brentwood with a 3.5lb porgy and in second place winner was Eddie McCrae of Wyndanch with a 4.75lb trigger fish.
Magic Hour
Captain Steven Sr reports a very slow evening of fishing. There was some action with blue fish. The pool winner was Brian McKay from Darien, CT with a 12lb blue fish.