Sat Sept 19
Half Day Fluke PM
Captain Dave G reports a beautiful afternoon on the water with some great fishing. We had a slow start with the slack tide, but once the tide started going, the fish started biting! We had plenty of poriges, sea bass and a keeper fluke. Dylan Gallagher of Sayville won the pool with a 3lb porgy.
Half Day Fluke AM
Captain Dave G reports a great morning on the water. We started slow at slack tide, but when the tide started so did the bite. There were plenty of porgies, sea bass and keeper fluke for all. Bill Wiese also had two fluke up to 6lbs and sea bass up to 3.5lbs . The pool winner Bill Wiese with a 6lb fluke.
Montauk Fall Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports an excellent day of fishing aboard the Viking Starship. It was a beautiful day and we filled the coolers with porgies, sea bass, fluke, cod and blues. The first place pool winner was Pete Kounelias from Edison, NJ with a 3lb porgy. The edible pool winner was Koi Chi from Queens, NY with a 6lb fluke.
Striped Bass
Captain Stephen D reports a slow night because of the tide, but we did have shots of action throughout the night. The pool winner was Roberto Rodriguez from Oceanside, NY with a 26.7lb striped bass.