Thursday May 26
Montauk Jumbo Spring Porgies
Captain Dave reports an excellent day of porgy fishing today! The bite was on with mixed size fish up to 3.5lbs. Everyone had their limit and we also had a mix of blues and some sea bass, which were all released unharmed.
New Bedford Porgies
Captain Anthony reports that fishing was good and everyone had their fill of jumbo sea bass and scup. We also had some nice fluke and black fish brought on board. The first place pool winner was Jess Lao-Ang from Niantic, Ct with a 4lb scup. The second place winner was Henry Johnson from New Jersey with a 5lb sea bass.
George’s Bank Cod/Haddock/Halibut Hunt – Monday May23 to Wed May 25
Captain Steven Sr reports that George’s Bank was “HOLY HADDOCK”! We have been fishing there since 1978 and have never seen it like that. Day One: We started off the day catching small haddock. After covering 12 square miles we decided to settle in and fish thru the little haddock. By the end of the day we had happy coolers with keeper cod and haddock. Day Two: We had better luck with the cod and the haddock was just as plentiful. By the end everyone had coolers full of cod and haddock fillets. Honorable Mention go’s to Rick Petrone who had 52 fish total! Unfortunately we did have a very large halibut brought to the surface, but after gaffing he broke everything and escaped! Our heart go’s out to angler Sergio Ortiz.