Sun July 17
1/2 Day-AM
Captain Liam reports a good morning on the Viking Stariper. We had fluke, porgies and sea bass. The highlight of the trip was the 4 foot Thresher Shark hooked and brought to the side of the boat!!The first place pool winner was Patrick Sarsfield from Connecticut with a 4.7lb fluke. The second place pool winner was Mike Savage from Northport, NY with a 4.5lb fluke.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies & Seabass
Captain Dave reports a decent day of fishing on the Viking Star. We mainly had mixed size porgies with a few seabass. The first place pool winner was Duke Brown from Brooklyn, NY with a 3lb porgy. The edible pool winner was Fredy Mora from East Hampton, NY with a 3 1/2 lb seabass.
1/2 Day-PM
Captain Liam reports a slower afternoon. The fluke we did have were nice. We didn’t have many porgies or seabass. The pool winner was Terri Coleman from Holbrook, NY with a 3 1/2lb fluke.
Sunset Jigging Striped Bass
Captain Dave reports a slower night on the jigging trip. We ended up with a couple of nice bass in the 30lb range.
Whale Watching
Another Banner Day! Whales & Dolfins
We started in fog, but had reports of whales and knew (hoped?) the fog would lift. The fog lifted and whales were found. 8 fin whales were photographed along with a quick view of a minke. The whales were spread over a 2 mile radius. 4 mom/calf pairs of fin whales were great to see. On our way back 120 common dolfins.
-8 Fin whales
-1 Minke whale
-120 Short-beaked common dolphins
-12 Cory’s Shearwaters
-14 Wilson’s Storm Petrels
-1 Manx shearwater
-2 Blue sharks