Tues Aug 09
Half Day Fluke PM
Captain Joey D reports a very good afternoon of fishing aboard the Viking Star. The last 2 days have been exceptional summer fishing weather and the catch shows! We had lots of fluke, porgies, sea bass and even a striped bass. Today’s first place pool winner was Robert Licht of Yonkers with a 5.5lb fluke and in second place was Dillon Roske of Kings Park with a 5.25lb fluke.
1/2 Day AM
Captain Joe reports beautiful weather this morning, but very little currents until midway through the trip aboard the Viking Star. Once the tide started flooding it was excellent fishing and just about everyone caught some. We ended the trip with a great catch of Fluke, Seabass, Scup and even some Bluefish. The pool winner was Louise Gravina from Oakdale NY with a nice 5.5lb Fluke.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a bit of a slow fishing today. We managed a decent catch with mixed sized porgies, some sea bass and a couple fluke. Today’s first place pool winner was Said Jon of Queens with a 4.1lb porgy and in second place was Rob Rainbow from Fairytal Forrest, NJ with a 5.2lb fluke.
Eco Tour
Captain Sarah reports a fun time today. We were able to use our new net to catch some small fish and crabs. We had a neat little blackfish the kids got to see up close. We caught some tiny little hermit crabs too. Our youngest tour member was kept entertained by all the marine literature inside. What a beautiful afternoon!