Monday Aug 22
Half Day Fluke PM
Captain Joe reports a good afternoon of fishing aboard the Viking Star. We had fluke, porgies and sea bass. Honorable mention goes out to Christine and Terry- there was a 4 foot Mako shark on Christine’s fluke that she reels in all the way to the boat! And Terry had a nice big fluke that unfortunately escaped the net. Nice job today ladies! Today’s pool winner was David Carrick of Dublin, Ireland with a nice 6.2lb fluke.
Half Day Fluke AM
Captain Joe reports a beautiful morning on the water aboard the Viking Star. We managed a nice catch of fluke and sea bass. The pool winner today was A. Coleman of Limerick, Ireland with a nice 3.4lb fluke.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports excellent fishing today aboard the Viking Starship. We had some really nice sized fish today and it was a nice mess of porgies and sea bass. We also had some fluke and blues in the mix. Joe Brown of Brooklyn with a 3lb porgy.