Tuesday August 23
Half Day Fluke PM
Captain Joe reports a really good afternoon of fishing today. We had a nice catch of fluke, porgies and sea bass. Today’s pool winner was 10 year old Nick Piazza of Selden with a nice 5.6lb fluke.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a nice day of fishing today aboard the Viking Starship. Everyone had their fill of nice sized porgies and sea bass and also we had some nice fluke to 5lbs. Today’s pool winner was Hung Lee of Brooklyn with a 4.3lb porgy.
Half Day Fluke AM
Captain Joe reports a very nice morning on the Viking Star today. It was a bit slow in the beginning but once we got moving we got a good drift and it set the tone for the rest of the trip. We had nice sized porgies, sea bass and fluke. Mary Poppin’s had a nice 5.4 pounder in the boat! Today’s first place pool winner was Christos Maniatis of Brooklyn with a nice 7.2lb fluke and in second place was Tom Byrnes of Sag Harbor with a 6.5lb fluke.