Mon Sept 26
36 Hour Tuna – Viking Fivestar
Capt Steven Jr reports we got a brake in the weather and shot out before the next blow. We managed to put an ok trip together considering how slow tuna fishing has been this year. The night bite remains very quiet and most of the action continues on the troll during the day. We managed to grab 8 albacore and 1 yellow fin around 60 lbs. With a couple other knock downs for the trip. We only saw a couple of mahi around and not the quality sized stuff we have been seeing. Hopefully the night bite starts up here soon.
2 Night Tuna Limited – Sept 23 to Sept 25
Capt Jerry reports that fishing was slow and the weather was a little sloppy. We did manage to put a catch together of 9 yellowfins, a couple of mahi-mahi, 4 blue sharks and 1 short swordfish. We also lost a few fish. The pool winners were Kun Kim from Queens, NY with a yellowfin and Steven Scanapico from Medford, NY with a mahi-mahi.
Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgies and Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports good fishing today. We had excellent porgy fishing, but the sea bass were a tough catch today, yet everyone managed a few. We also had about a dozen bluefish today. The first place pool winner was Tom DiMatteo from Manalapan, NJ with a 3 1/4 lb porgy. The edible pool winner was Ted Smith from Newark, DE with a 10 lb bluefish.