Thur Nov 17
30-50 Mile Wreck Cod/Sea Bass Trip-Viking Fivestar
Capt Steven Jr reports another great trip fishing the offshore wrecks with a load of big sea bass, a nice shot of cod and some other wreck dwellers in the mix. We had some dogs on the shallower wrecks but everyone was pretty well loaded up by then. We weighed one of the bigger sea bass of the day and it weighed in at 6.8 lbs! The cod were good sized as well and we had a mix of scup, ling and hake too!
Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Seabass
Capt Dave reports great porgy fishing today. We mainly stuck around the porgy grounds and had excellent conditions with the porgies biting really well. They were all really nice size fish. We only had about a handful of sea bass and 1 cod since we did not move around today. The first place pool winner was Rob Sunshine from Tarpon Springs, FL with a 3 lb porgy. The edible pool winner was Jon Cho fro Manhattan, NY with a 9 lb cod.