Sunday April 30
38 Hour Tile Express
Capt Steven Sr reports despite the thunder, lightning, and rain the fishing was a huge improvement from last week. The tilefish were very cooperative with lots of mixed sizes caught, mostly mediums with some larges in the mix. The three largest tile fish landed, unfortunately were not in the pool, all in the 28lb-33lb range. Tilefish were not the only fish we brought over the rails this weekend there was a show of hake, pollack and a handful of barrelfish as well. By far the best part of this trip was that the majority of the best fishing happened before the weather turned for the worst. All in all it was a great trip! The first place pool winner was Marek Lisowiec of Lindenhurst, NY with a 25.1lb tilefish. The second place pool winner was Kevin Bradbury with a 18.4lb tilefish. The edible pool winner was Adam Kolesar of Brooklyn, NY with a 15lb hake. Capt Steven Sr and Crew would like to tip their viking hats to fourteen year old, Megan Gropppe, she was a solid trooper the whole trip. She hand cranked all of her fish and showed up all using electric reels with her largest tilefish weighing 28lbs. Great job Megan!!!