Monday April 24
2 Day Deep Deep Hake/Tile
Capt Steven Sr reports that Mother Nature did it again and gave us terrible weather for 95% of the trip. We had a big Big ground swell from the east and 20 knots of wind from the north, with rain. Not Nice! We put our time in and had a slow pick of Tile, Hake and Pollock with a lot of dogfish to make it worse! After Day 1 the weatherman still called for 10 kts on Sunday, but in the morning we found 20 kts and terrible fishing conditions. I decided to go in shore and try a wreck 2 hours away and it was the right call. We found Cod, some Pollock, and large Bergalls. We fished for 2 hours and put meat in the cooler with some guys having 8 to 10 cod each. Some had less, but it helped a bad trip turn into an okay trip. They were nice Cod in the 12-14lb range, with 6 Cod over 20lbs. All in all – We got the trip in! Pool winners: Tile Pool – Dan Vallis – 23 lb Tile. Hake Pool – Joe Daszkilewicz – 15lb Hake. Edible Pool – Bruce Brandow – 25lb Barrel Fish.