Sat June 29-Mark Kaminski Charter
Mark Kaminski Charter
Captain Steven Sr reports an outstanding deep water trip this past week with the Mark Kaminski group. After a long steam, on Day 1 we had great conditions and fishing was good good from the first drop of the morning. We caught lots of tile, hake, pollack, cusks, barrels and our first wreckfish of the season. There were many many quality tiles coming over the rail during the day. The Day 1 tile pool winner was Brian Martin with a 47 lb. tile. Honorable mention goes to Mike Felix with a 42 lb. tile and also Bill Shrack with 5 tiles himself over 30 lb. At the end of the day Will Shrack landed a 45 lb. snowy grouper, but was topped on the next drift by Joe Blustein with a 56 lb. snowy which won the Day 1 Edible pool! On Day 2 we ran into Mother Nature and encountered 25 mph SE winds and difficult fishing conditions. Still we managed to put a few fish on the boat. The Day 2 pool winners were Doug Campbell with a 28 lb. tile and Mark Riddell with a 28 lb. barrel. Conditions improved on Day 3 and we worked hard and were able to catch another load of quality tiles, hakes, pollack, cusks and barrels. The Day 3 pool winners were Joe Blustein with a 32 lb. tile and Bill Shrack with a 26 lb. barrel. On Day 4 we finished the trip with a great morning of giant Nantucket fluke. Most of the fluke that came over the rail were in the 6-8 lb. class. The pool winner was Rick Petrone with an 11.5 lb. doormat. Honorable mention goes to the other 6 fluke over 10 lb. that were landed! All in all it was a truly great trip. Our crew of myself, Captain Dave and Mates Steve and Sara would like to thank Mark for putting this year’s trip together. And we have already put next year’s trip on the schedule and are looking forward to it already!