Fri Oct 4 to Sun Oct 6 – Offshore Cod/East End Sea Bass trip
Captain Steven Sr. reports another fantastic trip on the Viking Star. We had a meeting before leaving the dock with all the passengers and crew, we all decided together knowing the wind was not in our favor, blowing 25-30 kts., to stay a little closer to shore. For the first half day we fished the wrecks and the ledges South of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. We had a slow pick of Cod some giant Sea Bass. We put a decent catch together by the end of the day, but weren’t satisfied with that. The weather was improving and expectations for a perfect day of fishing had Captain Steven steering the Viking Star to an area which he was hoping the fishing would prove good. As soon as we anchored up, Lo and Behold, Cod, Sea Bass and Bluefish started flying over the rail. All night the fish were biting; anglers were fishing and sleeping in shifts. By morning all the coolers were full and the crew had to start cutting and cleaning just to make room in the coolers for the fish that were still coming onboard. The bite stayed good until the South winds came on to 20 kts. We came home with over 150 Bluefish, all the Porgies we wanted, plenty of Cod and loads of giant Sea Bass. A sloppy ride home, but a great trip. Ed Lester brought his whole family together for this trip. His Grandson, Jake Wuesterfeld, showed up all the boys on board with the pool winning Cod of 22 pounds, the largest Cod of the 5 he brought on board. Jake’s Dad, Curt Wuesterfeld, won the Sea Bass pool with a monster 5.5 pound Sea Bass and the edible pool was won by Eddie Perry with a 12 pound Pollock. Great job to everyone on board. Thank yous to Captain Dave, First Mate Steve, mates Teddy and Kevin. Your hard work was appreciated!