Fri Jan 24 – Winter Cod – Viking Star
Capt Steven Sr reports a beautiful day with a slow bite. We put the effort in and put some fish on the boat. We started out in the deep water where we have been catching the Cod, but we had dogfish. We hunted around there for awhile and only had a few fish. We moved to the shallower water and drifted. We found Cod and Bergalls and worked the area awhile picking some on every drift. After that died out we moved even shallower and anchored. We had a good shot of Cod and Bergalls. When the wind changed from NW to NE it went dead. It wasn’t the best, but every one enjoyed the day. The first place pool winner was Lee Pluhowski from Montauk with an 8 lb Cod. The second place pool winner was Dave Keller from Lindenhurst, NY with a 7.5 lb Cod. All trips are CANCELLED for tomorrow, Sat Jan 25th and Sunday Jan 26th due to weather. We are scheduled to sail next week. Give us a call for info. 631-668-5700