Thurs Sept 3 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a slower day of fishing. The fish seemed to be a little off the bite today because of the full moon, but we prevailed and manged to get a good catch. We lucked out by the lighthouse with good conditions as well as the tide being juuuussst right for Porgy fishing. We caught nice size Porgies there, ranging from medium to large. Once we were satisfied with our Porgies we decided to go Sea Bassing. We had a good pick of Sea Bass, had to weave through the small ones, but we ended up getting some nice size keepers. There were tons of Porgies over in our Sea Bass spot today. The pool winner was Christopher Conolly from Queens, NY with a 2.7 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner was Zhuo Wu from Queens, NY with a 4.2 lb Sea Bass.