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Thur Aug 10 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports an excellent day of fishing on the Viking Starship. We started our more with one Porgy drift that lasted close to 5-hours with nonstop Porgy action, we had Porgies of every size medium, large, and jumbo’s with a very little amount of throwbacks. We then worked our way into the SeaBass grounds and too our delight found large SeaBass, Fluke, and Mackerell. This was probably one of our best days with keeper Fluke this year with a little over 15 Keepers. The SeaBass bite was definitely hot today with everyone having their limit of nice size SeaBass. The pool winner this morning went to Danny Ko from Queens with a 2.8 lb. Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Mr. Lee with a 7 lb. Fluke! We are sailing again tomorrow (Friday, August 11th) at 5 am on our Montauk Lighthouse Porgies and SeaBass.