Thurs Oct 12 – Block Island Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a beautiful day of fishing on the Viking Starship. Today was one of the nicest days we’ve seen in awhile with calm seas and warm weather we fished our way close into the island for most the morning and we had some pretty decent action. We saw a mix of all sized fish in that shallow water with both SeaBass and Porgies, but the littler stuff ended up taking over as the morning carried on. We then worked our way offshore and spent some more time in the deeper water than we have been and found a handful of nice sized Porgies and SeaBass, along with a few Mackerell and one keeper Cod fish. The first prize pool winner went to Man Bun Au- Yeung from Staten Island 3 1/2 lb. Jumbo Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Noel Henson from NYC with a 5 lb. Jumbo SeaBass. We will definitely be sailing again tomorrow (Friday, October 13th) at 5 am for our Block Island Porgies and SeaBass.