Fri Oct 13 – Block Island Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass
Capt Dave reports a good day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. We started off our morning fishing close to the island, we had a solid two drifts in the area with a lot of SeaBass action. In that shallower water we had a nice mix of SeaBass, mostly on the large size, but some mediums and Porgies mixed in. We then worked our way offshore and had our pick of Porgies with a lot of large fish in biting as well as Mackerell. The pool winner today went to Felipe Olivares from Brooklyn, NY with a 2 lb Porgy. We will be sailing again tomorrow (Saturday, October 14th) at 5am on our Block Island Porgies and SeaBass. Our office will be open at 4 am for ticket sales and check-in.