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Sun July 7 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports an excellent day of Porgy fishing on the Viking Starship.  Porgies were certainly biting today with not much else coming up. We tried a few different spots, but everywhere we went went was just Porgies. There were a few Seabass in the mix, but not as many as we’ve been seeing. However,  of the few we caught today they were a really nice size. The first prize pool winner went to Isaac Estrada from New Jersey with a 3 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Ryan Edwards with a 6 lb SeaBass. We are definitely sailing again tomorrow (Monday, July 8th) at 5am for our Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies and SeaBass.

a man standing on a boat in the water