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Sat Aug 31 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports an excellent day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. Conditions weren’t the best with the strong New Moon tide ripping, but fishing was just fine. We started our morning down the beach Porgy fishing and has some good action with mixed sized fish. As the tide started coming in heavy we ventured offshore and had a nice mix of medium- large Porgies and SeaBass. SeaBass was better than it’s been with more quality to the size. We did find some Trigger fish, about half a dozen keeper Fluke, and some Mackerell out in the deeper water. To finish off our trip we ended back at the lighthouse for about an hour and a half and got onto some larger sized Porgies. The first prize pool winner went to Santos Constanza from Hillsboro, Maryland with a 2.6 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Pedro B. from Lakewood, NJ with a 4.3 lb Trigger fish. We are definitely sailing again tomorrow at 5am for our Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies and SeaBass.



Tomorrow’s New York State Black SeaBass regulations will increase from 3 Sea Bass to 6 till December 31st!