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Sun Sep 22 – Block Island Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports a pretty good day of fishing today in Block Island on the Viking Starship. This morning we started off anchored close to the island and had very good fishing with some very nice sized Porgies with a few SeaBass in the mix. We didn’t see many small fish today, mostly everything that came up was keeper size. As conditions started to turn we worked offshore and got to check out some SeaBass spots and had some really nice sized SeaBass along with a few Cod and Blue fish mixed in. The pool winner today went to Hector Estrada from Fairview, NJ with a 3 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Abel Najor from Fairview, NJ with a 4.7 lb SeaBass. We will definitely be sailing again tomorrow at 5am on our BLOCK ISLAND Jumbo Porgies and SeaBass, our ticket office will be open at 4am for check-in.


a man and a woman standing next to a body of water a man standing on a dock a person holding a fish