Whale Watching on Montauk NY
Whale watching tours from Montauk Harbor, Long Island, NY
If you already enjoyed a fishing trip with us, we want to invite you to take a Whale Watching tour aboard the Viking Starship!
Our latest trip was absolutely PHENOMENAL. We’ve had 100% sighting rate on our Whale Watching Tours so come join us. Click HERE for more info and read the latest reports
Sunday July 21st 2013- EPIC TRIP!
It was an utterly amazing trip! The BEST IN 13 YEARS!
Montauk whale watching at it’s best…
Fin whales, humpback whales, minke whales and common dolphins galore. We sae our first dolphins only about 7 miles out and our first whales 9 miles out. It started with common dolphins and then 2 humpbacks, then we hit the motherload. Fin whales, humpbacks, minkes and dolphins EVERYWHERE WE TURNED! Bubble feeding humpbackslunge feeding fin whales, humpbacks doing breeches, tail slaps, flipper slap. Rolling fin whales, jumping dolphins, even saw some flying fish and mahi mahi. The bird life was also spectacular and everyone was happy!
25 Fin Whales
12 Humpback Whales
2 Minke Whales
600 Common Dolphins
1700 Wilson’s Storm Petrels
90 Corey’s
26 Sooty Shearwaters
18 Great Shearwaters
5 Manx Shearwaters
5 Brown Pelicans
Call to learn more about our Montauk whale watching tours.
Whale watching in Montauk, NY 2013