Monday August 10th
Half Day Fluke PM
Captain Stephen D reports a great afternoon a little slow to begin with because there was no tide. Once we had the tide fishing was good. The pool winner Christine Dassler with a 5lbs Fluke.
Half Day Fluke AM
Captain Stephen D reports amazing morning non stop action the whole time. Everybody had full buckets of Fluke Sea Bass and Scup. The pool winner was Mr John Aquaro Hempstead, NY with 4lbs Fluke.
Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a good day of porgy fishing. After we went searching for sea bass and had an okay pick of sea bass. Overall it was a good day of fishing! The pool winner was Rob Batt from Floral Park with a 3 1/2 lb porgy. The second place pool winner was Ivan Wong from Woodside, Queens with a 4 lb sea bass.